Let me tell you: this woman is a badass. When I arrived at Abbotsford Regional Hospital, I entered the room in the early morning to find her peacefully moaning through contractions in the shower. Her husband Brandon was cascading her back with warm water, and her doula Reanne was steadying her balance as she squatted through the surges.
In short time Sarah’s peaceful moans became deeper and more guttural – evidence of her transition. With the help of her husband and doula, she slowly moved to her bedside where her nurse offered nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas. It appeared to help take the edge off and she was able to relax into deep squats while Reanne applied firm counter pressure to her backside. This mama continued to sway and squat in a peaceful trance until her doctor arrived and announced it was time to start pushing.
Watching Sarah’s astonishing strength as she pushed her baby earthside left me in awe. And when they discovered that baby was a girl, the first after two boys, I can say with certainty there was not a dry eye in the house! And a chunky, healthy little girl she was.
Mama snuggled skin to skin with Gwen for the first hour, and successfully latched with the guidance of her doula. When she got up to take a warm, relaxing shower, Dad proudly held his sweet little girl (tiny in his arms) with expert tenderness. Eventually Grandma arrived with their rainbow baby Preston, and he was over the moon to meet his little sister (with a unicorn and balloon sweetly in tow).
It was such an honour to document this family and their overflowing love the day Gwen arrived safely into their arms. I will never forget Sarah’s amazing strength, and this family will always hold a special place in my heart.
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